Liftheng Peach Mud Mask Moisturizing Pore Reducing Facial Cleansing 100g
Mud masks can certainly help your skin. Just know that your mud mask isn’t going to provide significant long-term effects.
Similar to clay masks, mud masks are known for their antibacterial and exfoliating benefits.
Mud masks may remove impurities from the skin, unclogging pores and absorbing excess oil.
Unlike some masks that are generally OK for everyday use, mud masks should only be used up to three times a week. Their detoxifying-like properties can be too drying for everyday use.
If your skin feels overly exfoliated or dry, decrease your use to once a week or once every couple of weeks.
With mud masks, you can expect results instantly.
The minerals in the mud will exfoliate dead skin cells, dirt, oil, and other impurities, making skin appear cleaner, brighter, and less porous.
However, it’s important to note that the instant results of mud masks don’t necessarily last. More research needs to be conducted about the effectiveness of long-term use.
Liftheng Peach Mud Mask
*Pore cleansing
*Skin brightening
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